Torres/Romanillos Model at Galerie des Luthiers

Things have been pretty interesting this last month to say the least. I have been making progress in the shop, but somewhat slower than usual as we are all quarantined and, as we have a 2 year old daughter, I’ve been spending much of my days playing in the yard, cooking and cleaning etc.

Here are some photos of a recently completed Torres/Romanillos model now available at Galerie des Luthiers in Lyon, France. I think that it is a fine example of this style of instrument with a very intimate and colorful maple character. I was meaning to deliver this guitar in person, but then was not able to because of the circumstances. The galerie is, of course, temporarily closed to the pubic as most everything is at the moment, but they are still available and I’m sure would love to hear from you.

Here is the link to their website: